
Sunday, November 13, 2011


A simple custard pudding perfect for dessert. Easy to prepare using the available ingredients in your kitchen cupboard. Silky creamy and delectable. The cinnamon gives this pudding an extra special taste. This is one of my all time favourite recie. This dessert is especially delicious when served with whipped cream.

2 1/2 cup milk / 2 1/2 cawan susu
1 tsp ground cinnamon / 1 sdt serbuk kayu manis
1 tsp vanilla/ 1 sdt vanila
3 unit eggs / 3 biji telur
1/4 cup honey / 1/4 cawan madu
dash of salts / secubit garam


Preheat oven to 375 F. / Panaskan oven pada 375F
Place four 6-oz ramekins in a baking dish. / Letakkan empat acuan kecil dalam loyang pembakar
Heat milk with cinnamon and vanilla. / Panaskan susu dan serbuk kayu manis. Masukkan vanilla.
Whisk together eggs, honey and salt. While whisking, add the milk mixture to the eggs, a little at a time, until the entire mixture is blended. Strain. Pour the custard into the ramekins./ Pukul telur, madu dan garam. Samil dipukul masukkan susu dalam adunan telur sedikit demi sedikit sehingga adunan sebati.Tuangkan custard dalam acuan.
Place baking dish on the open door of the oven and pour boiling water into the baking dish, so that it comes halfway up the side of the ramekin./ Letakkan acuan pembakar diatas penutup ovendan curahkan dan curahkan air anas dalam dulang pembakar.
Bake custards for 30-40 minutes, until a knife inserted in the centre of the custard comes out clean. / Bakar custard selama 30-40 minit atau sehingga kastard masak.


Kalau anda peminat pudding yang lembut danlemak ini adalah resipinya. Mudah dibuat dan boleh disediakan sehari awal jika mempunyai tetamu untuk makan tengah hari atau malam. Sedap dihidangkan dengan krim putar.

Next Post - Simle Sunday Breakfast


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