
Wednesday, November 02, 2011


The last time I made this was during those school  days. I remembered my mom learned to make this from her WI (Woman Institution Class). It was yummy, perfect as a breakfast casserole or even as a one-dish meal for lunch or breakfast. As an Asian we definitely love to serve this with chili sauce.

You can use any pasta as the main ingredients, mine I used elbow macaroni, penne pasta would be another good choice. Curry powder can also be another options if you prefer something hot and spicy. 


  • 225 g. of macaroni (you can use penne or ziti as well) / 225 g makaroni masak
    3 tbsps. of butter / 3 sdb mentega
    3 tbsps. of olive oil / 3 sdb minyak zaiton
    300 g of ground chicken /300 g daging kisar
    1/2 can of fresh button mushrooms, sliced / 1/2 tin cendawan butang
    3  onions, chopped / 3 biji bawang besar dicincang
    1 carrot shredded / 1 biji lobak merah disagat
    1 whole garlic, peeled and finely minced / 1 ulas bawang putih dicincang
    1 cup of good meat broth / 1 cawan stok daging
    a bunch of fresh basil leaves, chopped, or about a teasponful of dried basil leaves
    3 sprigs of fresh green onion / 3 tangkai daun bawang
    salts, sugar and pepper to taste / garam, gula dan lada secukup rasa

    For the topping :
    1/3 cup of butter / 1/3 cawan mentega
    1/3 cup of flour / 1/3 cawan tepung
    3 cup. of milk / 3 cawan susu
    225 g. block of quickmelt (processed) sharp cheddar cheese, grated/ 225 g keju cheddar

    225 g. block of cream cheese, softened then cut into small pieces / 225 g krim keju
    salt and pepper to taste / garam dan lada secukup rasa


  1. Cook the pasta according to package directions, undercooking by about 5 minutes. This will allow the pasta to finish cooking in the sauce, absorbing the flavors. Drain, rinse and set aside.
  2. Heat the butter and olive oil together over medium-high heat in a sauce pan. Add the ground meat, breaking up the lumps. Add the garlic and cook until the meat starts to brown.  Stir and cook for a few minutes. Add all the chopped vegetables and herbs. Cook, stirring, until the vegetables start to soften. Pour in the meat broth. Season with salt, pepper and some sugar. The sugar will neutralize the acidity of the tomatoes. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 20-30 minutes.
For The Topping Preparation

  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan.
  2. When frothy, add the flour all at once, stirring. Let the flour cook for about 5 minutes to remove any floury taste in the cooked topping.
  3. Usually, the flour is cooked when the mixture starts to turn golden brown.
  4. Pour in the milk slowly, again, stirring as you pour. By the time all the milk has been incorporated into the mixture, it will appear to be a little thin.
  5. Add the cheeses.
  6. Set the heat to low and let the cheeses melt, stirring the mixture occasionally.
  7. Turn off the heat and season with salt and pepper.
  8. Now, back to the meat sauce. When the sauce is done, add the cooked pasta and toss well. Let the mixture cook over low heat with an occasional stirring. This should allow the pasta to finish cooking. Usually, this step takes about 5-6 minutes.
  9. Pour the pasta and sauce into a baking dish. Make sure that the dish is large enough so that the mixture is an inch below the rim.
For a budget version

For the budget version you can omit the used of cheese. All you need are  6 eggs and 3 cups of milk. Whisk both ingredients add salts and pepper and pour over the paste mixture. It turned out great

  1. Kali terakhir saya buat makaroni bakar ini ialah pada zaman persekolahan saya. Kalau tidak silap arwah umi selalu membuatnya hasil dari kelas WI nya. Satu sajian yang mengenyangkan, sesuai digantikan dengan nasi kalau sudah jemu dengan nasi. Untuk versi budget jika anda tidak mahu berbelanja untuk membeli keju, boleh juga dibuat dengan menggunakan 6 biji telur bersama 3 cawan susu. Satukan dua bahan ini masukkan garam dan lada sulah kemudian tuangkan ke dalam adunan pasta. Sama juga hasilnya tetapi kuranglah lemaknya kalau tidak ada cheese. Versi ini sesuai bagi yang tidak gemarkan cheese. Untuk pastanya boleh gunakan apa jenis pasta paling sesuai makaroni atau pun penne. Bagi yang berminat dengan pedas boleh tumis bahan utama dengan serbuk kari. Pendek kata semua boleh bergantung kepada selera masing-masing

    Next Post - Chocolate Enclair


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