
Saturday, September 03, 2011


This is my favorite.Sate Padang is a speciality satay from PadangWest SumatraIndonesia, made from beef cut into small dices with spicy sauce on top of it. Its main characteristic is a yellow sauce made from rice flour mixed with spicy offal broth, turmericgingergarliccoriandergalangal root, cumin, curry powder and salt. In Medan, a lot of Sate Padang use not only beef but also chicken and lamb.
Fresh meat are boiled twice in a big drum filled with water to make the meat soft and juicy. 

Then, the meat is sliced into parts and spices are sprinkled on the meat. The boiled water will be used as a soup broth to make the sauce. Then the broth, mixed with 19 kinds of spices which have been smoothed and stirred with various kinds of chili. All seasoning are then put together and cooked for 15 minutes. Grill the sate when ready to eat, using charcoal from coconut shell.

My first encounter was in Medan and while there I took the opportunity to learn mastering the process. I love the yellow sauce and love having the satay with some crackers. It's not that difficult to prepare and it's delicious.


1 kg beef / 1 kg daging lembu  
1 1/2 litre water / 1½ liter air 
1 turmeric leaf / 1 lembar daun kunyit 
2" galangal / 2 cm lengkuas, memarkan 
4 kaffir leaves / 4 daun limau 
1 lemongrass crushed / 1 batang serai, dititik
3" tamarind pulp / 3 cm asam keping 
salts to taste / garam secukup rasa 

To mix
25 g rice flour / 25 g tepung beras
1 tbsp tapioca flour / 1 sdb tepung sago/uni
Ingredients to be pounded15 dried chilies / 15 cili kering 1 tbsp coriander powder / 1 sdb serbuk ketumbar 1/2 tsp peppercorn / 1/2 sdt lada putih 1/4 tsp cumin / ¼ sendok teh jinten 7 shallots / 7 biji bawang merah 1 tbsp curry powder / 1 sdt serbuk kari  2 " turmeric root / 2 cm kunyit 2" ginger / 2 cm halia 2 tbsp cooking oil / 2 sdb minyak masak
Cook beef with turmeric, kaffir leaves, lemongrass, tamarind pulp salts and pounded ingredient till beef are done /Rebus daging , kunyit, lengkuas, daun limau, serai, asam keping, garam, masak hingga daging empuk empuk.
Remove and drain. Cut beef into cubes 1 x 2 x 1 " and retain the soup / Angkat, tiriskan. Potong lidah ukuran 1 x 2 x 1 cm. Asingkan air rebusan daging
Skewer the beef using the satayskewer and grilled on charcoal fire till beef are done. Sprinkle with oil to avoid dryness / Cucuk setiap 5 potong lidah sapi dengan tusuk sate. Panggang di atas bara api sambil dibalik-balik dan dioles minyak hingga matang dan harum.
Heat up the beef soup, add 500 ml water, simmer on low heat. Add in the flour and pounded ingredients,constantly stirring until soup thicken/ .Panaskan air daging tambahkan air 500 ml, didihkan masukkan campuran tepung beras dan sagu dan bumbu, aduk rata dan mengental. Angkat.
Saya cukup meminati sate Padang ini, favorite spot saya kalau ingin menikmati sate Padang ini ialah di Jalan Raja Alang KL. Kalau berkunjung ke KL pasti singgah. Mula mempelajari membuatnya ketika berada di Medan tetapi tidak pernah mencubanya, kerana merasakan agak rumit tetapi sebenarnya tidak. Daging perlu direbus terlebih dahulu bersama dengan rempah-rempahnya direbus sehingga empuk, kemudian diangkat ditoskan dan dihiris sebesar membuat sate. Kemudian seperti biasa dicucuk dengan lidi dan bakar seperti membuat sate.  Sebaik-baiknya kalau dapat campuran daging, lidah dan perut.
Kuahnya pula dibuat dari air rebusan daging dimasukkan rempah, dan tepung. Tepung ini untuk memekatkan kuah. Semasa menghidang diletakan nasi impit sate dan kuah. Cukup sedap ditaburkan dengan bawang goreng. Saya paling gemar makan bersama keropok belinjo...perghhh... cukup umphh....Sate ini disediakan oleh teman saya ketika rumah terbuka Raya ketiga baru-baru ini, jadi sempatlah saya mempelajari membuatnya sekali lagi.
Next Post - Syawal 4th Menu

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